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irregularis Kerrich

Pediobius irregularis Kerrich, antenna lateral, female.

Pediobius irregularis Kerrich, vertex, female.

Pediobius irregularis Kerrich, head frontal, female.

Original description

Kerrich, G.J. 1973. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natutal History), 29:190.




Scape yellowish-white, pedicel yellowish-brown; eyes large, ratio of distance beween eyes at the level of anterior ocellus/width of head= 0.41; vertex, mesoscutum, scutellum and propodeum bright metallic bluish-green; scutellum with weak engraved reticulation in anterior 3/4, meshes elongate and diverging posteriorly, posterior 1/4 smooth; posterior margin of dorsellum tridentate; propodeum with a median groove, narrow throughout, submedian carinae along margins of median groove ± distinct; petiole about as long as wide; first gastral tergite smooth.




From egg mass of Exophthalmus vitticollis Champion (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).


Depository of primary type

Holotype female in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.